
Top Ten Signs The Guy In The Cubicle Next To You Is Michael Jackson

Top Ten Signs The Guy In The Cubicle Next To You Is Michael Jackson

10. Fax machine always clogged with subpoenas
9. There's a llama tethered to the water cooler
8. Only cubicle that has a ferris wheel
7. Carpet is covered with sequins and monkey hair
6. Asks if office has a third option besides "Men's Room" and "Ladies' Room"
5. Borrows your Wite-Out to touch up his face
4. Recycling bin is filled with surgical masks
3. They canceled "Bring Your Child to Work Day"
2. He answers his phone with a high-pitched "hee hee"
1. Everyone around the office is asking who the new white chick is

(from: http://www.cbs.com/latenight/lateshow/top_ten/archive/ls_topten_archive2006/ls_topten_archive_20060118.shtml)